What does it mean when you say we have a quorum?
In order to vote on anything, there must be a certain number of members and board members present at the meeting.
When you become a member of the PTA by sending in your $10 membership fee, you are now a member of the PTA. This membership entitles you to vote at Association meetings.
Motions are made to ask for votes, and it is the terminology that is required for our notes.
When a motion is made to "adopt the minutes" that just means that do you agree with the notes that were taken from the last meeting, are they correct? If you were at the last Association meeting, and you agree, you as a member can raise your hand saying that you agree with what is written. Someone will ask your name and it will be written into minutes. We do have to verify that you are actually a member.
It is always required that we ask for a second person that also agrees, as wells as ask if there are any questions, answer any questions, then the "Motion carries". That means that all is in favor.
This terminology is necessary and required for the notes or "minutes" that are taken during the meeting. You will see a person sitting in the front usually, taking notes, that is the recording secretary.
What does "release of funds" mean ?
When someone on the Executive Board asks for a release of funds, essentially, we are asking for your vote in spending that specific amount of money for a specific event or program. If you are a member of the Association, again by paying the $10 membership fee, you are allowed to vote. Someone will ask your name and it will be written into the minutes, and your membership will be verified.
What happens if I am not a member, am I allowed to vote?
If you are not a member, your vote will not count. Another vote will be established, Executive Board will not be able to move forward with that program or event until another vote is established.
If you have any questions, please feel free to fill out the contact form. It will be forwarded to our email address and someone will contact you to answer the question.