Keppel PTA

Keppel PTA

Why is my PTA still Fundraising?

Tell me again:
Why is my PTA still fundraising?

That’s a question lots of us are asking as we raise money for arts, PE and other essentials that schools still are not funding.
Yes, California still skimps.
California's most recent budget, paired with Prop 30, brought education funding back out of a huge pothole. But it didn't bring our funding even close to the level of our most successful states, and it did not make education funding secure.
Ed100 Lesson 8.1 lays how our schools are funded in California.
What’s still missing at your school?
LCFF gives your school district more say in how it spends its money.  Has this changed the parent fundraising patterns at your school? Add your voice to the discussion section at the bottom of Lesson 8.1 and share what’s happening….
And don’t forget:  Win $1,000 
You can win $1,000 for your PTA while increasing your knowledge of key K-12 education issues.
Here’s how it works: For each short lesson you read on, you earn a ticket in a drawing for the benefit of your school’s PTA. The more tickets you earn, the better chance your PTA has to win.